Please could I have space to give a huge shout-out to our Chantry Centre cleaners that keep our facilities spotless.

Whilst travelling around during the bank holiday, I came across the filthiest public convenience at a seaside resort that I have ever had the misfortune to see.

I won’t name where, but it brought immediately to mind how scrupulously clean all our facilities in Andover are.

READ MORE: Town centre rangers who helped a vulnerable teenager awarded for actions

Whilst writing, may I also give a huge thank you to everyone that used and filled our bins to capacity, over this bank holiday weekend.

I cannot think of anything that I like more to see, than bins being used to their maximum potential.

A great May bank holiday, fine weather and litter in bins?

What more could an anti-litter campaigner ask for?

Manuela Wahnon

Attitude of Gratitude campaigner 
