AN 80-year-old woman from Andover has presented large donations to two charities, to say thanks for the care and kindness she received when recently undergoing treatment for breast cancer.

In 2022 Mary Dunn (nee Vincent), who was born in Andover and has lived in the town for almost all her life, realised she had a few lumps on her breasts, and just a number of weeks later, was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Mary received treatment at the Nick Jonas Unit at Winchester hospital, and said the care and treatment she was offered through her battle with breast cancer was "absolutely fantastic".

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After Mary went into remission, she decided she wanted to do something to say thank you for the fantastic care she had received, and came up with the idea of doing a sponsored walk.

Friends and family of Mary walked along the Test Way from Romsey to Upper Clatford church, where a barbecue was put on for those taking part in the walk.

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Despite poor weather, around 15 people took part in the walk, with seven starting at Romsey at 8.30am with others joining at different points or doing the walk on a different day with better weather.

Although not quite reaching her target of £20,000, Mary and her supporters managed to raise close to £14,000, which was presented to Hampshire Hospitals, for the Nick Jonas ward patient environment improvements, and Cancer Research at the beginning of November. The amount raised was split evenly between the two charities.

Many members of staff who treated Mary at Winchester hospital came along to the presentation, which Mary added was 'fantastic.'