NOVEMBER is the perfect time to find warmth in each other’s arms and a cuddle from my tiny people is my warm blanket on a cold day, and sometimes I’ve needed that hug more than they did.

As parents, we all want our kids to feel happy about themselves and have positive self-esteem. Every child is unique and self-esteem can develop and grow with each experience of successful positive interactions that they encounter and through positive words, love and encouragement.

If your child's self-esteem is low, or they need a little boost as the cold weather sets in, here are some tips to support your little people’s self-worth and encourage a growth mindset. 

Focus on the positive - Encourage our children not to be so hard on themselves if they’re focusing on the negative aspects of what they can’t do, what their weaknesses are, and dwelling on their mistakes. You can lead by example, and show them what it looks like to forgive yourself for mistakes and appreciate your strengths. This way, they can see that self-worth should be determined by good traits, not by shortcomings. Focusing on the positive doesn’t mean you can’t ever give negative feedback; it just means that you should praise most often and give negative feedback sparingly.

Learning from mistakes - You can turn mistakes into something positive by helping children focus on what is gained through making mistakes, rather than what is lost. Remind children we all make mistakes. Handling mistakes with patience and optimism helps set a good example and they’ll begin to see errors as learning opportunities.

Only give constructive criticism - Children suffering with low self-esteem are usually unable to tolerate criticism, even when it’s meant to help them. You should be sensitive to this, and always remember that self-esteem is linked to how much children feel valued, appreciated, accepted and loved. Help them see themselves as you see them. As parents, you play the biggest role in a child’s development of ‘self’ and you can easily make or break their self-esteem.

By supporting your child’s self-esteem, they’ll have the courage to try new things and be more inclined to make smart choices.

Positivity is power and “small steps create big smiles”.