I HAVE great concerns about school crossing patrols across Hampshire if they are axed as part of a budget proposal which aims to save Hampshire County Council £1.1m.

I support all parents having great concerns for their children’s safety going to school.

School safety should be a priority, and I do feel the Government should be giving the money to the schools without them making cutbacks on the school patrols.

Some children go to school on their own.

At least if there is a school patrol it would give parents peace of mind.

What we need to think of is children do not see danger.

If they see their friends across the road, they could just automatically cross the road without thinking.

READ MORE: Parents fear proposed cuts to school crossing patrols could result in accident

Surely there is some way that Hampshire County Council could cut the budget on something else?

There are five schools in the area where I live which is covered by one school patrol.

If this patrol goes, these five schools will suffer: Vigo Primary School, Vigo Junior School, Norman Gate School, Mark way School and Winton Community Academy.

Also, the road this patrol is on is a very busy road.

School crossing patrols help children and adults cross the road safely on their way to and from school.

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They have the ability to accept criticism and work well under pressure and in all weathers.

They are also lone working.

If this is not going to affect all schools that have patrols, we need to know which schools it will affect.

I hope the schools that do not get patrols teach children the dangers of crossing the roads.

Going back many years, we had the Green Cross Code which was constantly advertised on the television to make sure children were aware of the danger of crossing roads.