THE theme for the Andover Advertiser Camera Club in May was ‘looking up’ and we have selected some of our favourite photos to share.

Dozens of members took on this theme and showed their creative flair.

While some took the theme literally and looked up, capturing some amazing things that go on right above our heads - from birds soaring through the sky to trees clambering for light - others captured other things looking up.

Den Whateley spotted a jet skier looking up whilst doing tricks in the water and Steve Evans photographed a pair of birds looking to the sky.

It’s never easy for us to choose our favourite from all the submissions this month, but we have picked some highlights to share and have loved seeing all the photographs posted on the Facebook page.

Do you have a stunning photo you would like to share with us? You can post it in the camera club’s group once you have joined and you might be lucky enough to see your photograph in the paper at the end of the month.

It is free and easy for anyone to join the camera club and a great way to share your amazing photos with others. Simply search for Andover Advertiser Camera Club on Facebook and click to join and you will be free to share with others in the group.

Each week we select one photo to be featured on our letters page, with a different theme each month.