ANDOVER Town Centre Business Improvement District’s (BID) Shelley Coburn answers your questions.

Q: One concern raised is the impact of the two per cent BID levy on businesses. Can you provide some clarity on this matter?

A: The two per cent levy applies primarily to larger businesses (those with a rateable value of over £10,000, so many town centre businesses do not need to pay the levy) and represents a fraction of their total operating expenses. It’s important to note that this levy is invested back into the town through various projects, security measures and marketing efforts to drive footfall and support local enterprises.

Q: Some residents attribute empty shops and closures to the BID levy. What is your perspective on this?

A: Focusing solely on the BID overlooks the broader economic trends affecting High Streets across towns and the impact of landlords, local authority policies, and how businesses operate. We also need to consider that whilst a shop may appear to have been empty for a long amount of time, quite often this is due to the lease still being maintained by the business that last occupied it. Changing consumer behaviours, online competition, and wider economic shifts influence retail landscapes in Andover and nationwide as well. By the way we have over 300 businesses operating within the town centre serving the people of Andover.

Q: What steps is the BID taking to ensure a vibrant future for Andover’s town centre?

A: We are reaching out to landlords, agents, the local council, and companies that may like to locate themselves in Andover. Right now, with the regeneration of the town centre on the horizon, we are ensuring that the business voices are heard in larger decisions.

Q: What can we do to support our local town centre?

A: Choosing to shop locally, participating in community events, and spreading positive word-of-mouth can significantly contribute to the vibrancy of Andover’s town centre. When everyone plays their part, from business owners to shoppers, we create a sustainable ecosystem that benefits the entire community.